Our Services

As your personal financial coach, I will show you what other planners do not.. simple and easy ways to implement changes and give you the tools necessary to consciously create what you want, so that you can have the time to enjoy your life.

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Premium Membership

Are you ready for MAXIMUM results and TRANSFORMATION?

Along with personal coaching, in this 8-week mentorship program, we will give you the tools necessary to completely transform your life. You will graduate inspired and empowered to make confident financial decisions. We will show you the steps necessary to meet your goals in the most efficient way possible. With personal one-on-one meetings and group coaching, you will see the greatest transformation in your financial well-being. This is not a cookie cutter solution!! It is a results oriented, proactive program that will deliver creative and effective solutions to achieve long term financial security.

Within the FIRST week you will have total clarity about your money.

Within the SECOND week, you will have your goals nailed down and increase your cash flow.

Within the THIRD week, you will learn how to stop the bleeding and keep your wealth; by reducing your current fees, increasing your credit report score, reducing your debt strategically, ensuring your maximizing tax deductions, and much much more...

And within the FOURTH week, you will know the ideal strategies to build your wealth. How you should invest your money and where? Is a Roth better or a 401k? How can you optimize the performance of your investments?

And that's just the first month!  You will be well on your way to discovering the financial freedom that will transform your life.

One On One Coaching

We offer a tailored one-on-one sessions for those clients looking to fulfill a specific financial need. Much like a dentist's practice, you pay only for the completion of a specific task. For example, we can analyze your current statements and let you know whether you are paying unnecessary fees, analyze your savings strategy, increase your credit score, or run a quick retirement analysis. We can help you make specific decisions such as where to save first, whether you should buy a house, and so much more. There are no long-term contracts or retainer agreements in this program. Hilton Financial allows you to choose only what you need - whether that is an evaluation of your current financial arrangements in order to find ways to maximize your savings or simply obtain a second opinion on what you have already established to ensure future financial stability.

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Personal Strategy Session

You live a unique life with specific financial education and coaching needs.  Let's spend some time together to understand what your specific concerns are, answer any immediate questions and discover the course of action that will enable you to maximize your future financial health..


The first step in every coaching relationship is building rapport and trust.  Let's take some time to get to know each other and discover the financial obstacles that prevent you from breathing easy about your long term financial freedom. Hilton Financial can help you start living your best life today.

Financial services may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Reviewing current statement & disclosing hidden fees and true costs
  • Investment planning
  • Retirement planning
  • Social security strategies
    • Estate planning
    • Tax planning
    • Risk management
    • Cash flow analysis
    • Budgeting
      • Small business planning
      • Employee benefit planning
      • Education planning
      • Debt reduction strategies
      • How to increase credit score

        FEE-ONLY Professional Financial Advice from Certified Financial Planners


        Saving For Retirement

        We understand that you may have multiple accounts in different locations. We will analyze the investments and recommend which institution is best to hold your assets. We show you how to save for retirement in a way that is automatic and effortless. We will make sure the account is set up properly in order to put you in the best position to be retirement ready.

        We tailor our advice to your specific situation & retirement goal.

        And that's just the first month!  You will be well on your way to discovering the financial freedom that will transform your life.

        Analyze Current Plan Investments

        We will analyze your current accounts. We will look at the fees you are currently paying, make sure you are aware of them and recommend alternate strategies if it's more cost effective. We will confirm the financial institution and your financial planner are both genuinely working in your best interest. We look at the asset allocation, investment options and investment vehicles you're using as well.


        Guidance on Lowering Tax Bill and Saving for Retirement

        HFG provides guidance for Nurses on how to lower your tax bill and increase the assets held in your retirement accounts. We will first determine if you should itemize or take the standard deduction. Should we decide to itmeize there are a number of deductions you are eligible to take:

        ·       Items purchased for your job (scrubs, shoes, equipment)

        ·       Licenses and Union Dues

        ·       Education (work related education, student loans, interest on student

        loans, education credit, etc)

        ·       Travel expenses

        As nurses, you encourage people to seek healthcare advice from professionals when needed. And we encourage you to do the same with your taxes.

        We work as your Personal Financial Coach. Just like a life coach, a Financial Coach is in the business of TRANSFORMING YOUR LIFE.

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        Copyright 2020 | Hilton Financial Group | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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